Download Kokuriko-zaka kara High Quality
Watch Movie Kokuriko-zaka kara High Quality with duration 91 Min and released on 2011-07-16 and MPAA rating is 56.- Original Title : Kokuriko-zaka kara
- Movie title in your country : Kokuriko-zaka kara
- Year of movie : 2011
- Genres of movie : Animation, Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2011-07-16
- Companies of movie : Studio Ghibli, Nippon Television Network Corporation (NTV), Dentsu, Hakuhodo DY Media Partners, The Walt Disney Company, Mitsubishi, Toho Company, KDDI Corporation, The Yomiuri Shimbun, Lawson,
- Countries of movie : Japan,
- Language of movie : 日本語,
- Durationof movie : 91 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.7
- Youtube ID of movie : tVnW2Dk4zdg
- Translation of movie : EN,FR,ZH,TR,IT,ES,NL,RU,JA,PL,FI,KO,DE,
- Actors of movie :
- Teruyuki Kagawa ( Tokumaru rijicho )
- Masami Nagasawa ( Umi Matsuzaki )
- Junichi Okada ( Shun Kazama )
- Keiko Takeshita ( Hana Matsuzaki )
- Yuriko Ishida ( Miki Hokuto )
- Rumi Hiiragi ( Sachiko Hirokoji )
- Jun Fubuki ( Ryoko Matsuzaki )
- Takashi Naito ( Yoshio Onodera )
- Shunsuke Kazama ( Shiro Mizunuma )
- Nao Ohmori ( Akio Kazama )
- Haruka Shiraishi ( Sora Matsuzaki )
- Tsubasa Kobayashi ( Riku Matsuzaki )
- Aoi Teshima ( Yuko )
- Goro Miyazaki ( World History Teacher )
Kokuriko-zaka kara Synopsis:
Play Streaming Kokuriko-zaka kara The story is set in 1963 in Yokohama. Kokuriko Manor sits on a hill overlooking the harbour. A 16 year-old girl, Umi, lives in that house. Every morning she raises a signal flag facing the sea. The flag means “I pray for safe voyages”. A 17 year-old boy, Shun, always sees this flag from the sea as he rides a tugboat to school. Gradually the pair are drawn to each other but they are faced with a sudden trial. Even so, they keep going without running from facing the hardships of reality. Full Movie Kokuriko-zaka kara Full Movie HD
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Director : Goro Miyazaki, Novel : Tetsuro Sayama, Novel : Chizuru Takahashi, Screenplay : Keiko Niwa, Screenplay : Hayao Miyazaki, Story : Tetsuro Sayama, Producer : Robyn Klein, Producer : Tetsuro Sayama, Producer : Toshio Suzuki, Producer : Chizuru Takahashi, Producer : Geoffrey Wexler, Executive Producer : Kathleen Kennedy, Executive Producer : Frank Marshall,
Yes, now you can Watch Movie Kokuriko-zaka kara Full Movie Streaming and get the link to Kokuriko-zaka kara In HD
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